Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Hello, all!

I was looking for unused journals the other day--- I have loads of those-- and I found the writing notebook I was keeping in 2009. It's a notebook from a friend; every so often a quote or lyrics from a song interrupt the still-blank pages, but this notebook holds poems (I don't remember what they're about) and the list I was keeping of Things I Learned in 2009. I never completed the list, mostly because I forgot the notebook at home when I went to France, which bothered me while I was there. Anyway, I apparently wrote this poem on January 18th of 2009 while riding in a car. (Because travel inspires me.) I'm going to type it up as it's written; nothing is altered.

The fading light
turns the dried dead
into branches
of red
reaching for the sky.
The indigo and peach
hover just
out of range,
to me.

I so love
the pink hue
joining the two-tone
condensation rainbow.
Framed by shadowed
in this grassy valley
split by grey lanes
and yellow lines.

Trapeze wires
above suffocating
caged people
too distracted
to notice the
winged creatures
waiting for the

The line of trees
so bare
on the highest ridge
and a path
cuts in between
by bared feet
in cold winter
mud deepened
by two days of
shadows and snow.

(Side note... unwalked? Not a word.)

Also, this is post number 98. The 100th post has already been written, and it's set up to publish on the 25th.

What do you think of my early 2009 poetry?

... I just found a different poem that works perfectly with a story idea I had in 2010. Wow. That's exciting!

A demain!

P.S. Thank you for all the comments lately! I wish that blogger had threaded comments so that I could reply to each and it still make sense!

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