Thursday, September 16, 2010

Banana Bread


Nothing really interesting to say; I'm quite a bit more well-rested now than the other day, since I got to sleep in a bit. That APUSH test wasn't as bad as I thought though some of it I had forgotten. *crosses fingers*

I need to go do another scholarship thing now. Not much homework today, relatively. It's sad when I think that nine pages of reading is a light homework night.

I had breakfast as Molly's today, just like last year. Banana bread. It made me miss Amdi, those October days when we would go to breakfast EVERY DAY last year. How ridiculous... besides, where did we find the money for that?! Good memories, though. Amdi will be back in December, which I haven't mentioned before.

Tomorrow I'll be hanging out with the senior ladies, selling raffle tickets and then hopefully a sleepover. Soexcited. I guess I'll have to write a post during my travel period in order to get that done.

Anyway, time to go now. I would really like to be in bed by 10:30, which sounds extraordinarily early.

A demain!

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